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zero waste


zero waste home


We have been living in our current apartment now a one year. Those who have followed me on Instagram or this blog know, that we moved last September from Spain to Finland, and we hardly bring anything with us. Instead of buying everything in new, we decided to go zero waste and buy furniture and stuff from flea markets. Some of the furniture we even found on the streets or got free from our friends. Now we have lived in…

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Home sweet home

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I recently wrote about our decoration philosophy, and that our new apartment we are going to buy everything we can on second hand markets. So, now we are in our new place. It is time for a little analyze what did we buy and how did we succeed in our project. Our budget for home décor was 1300 euros. This is the money we got when we sold our old stuff in our home in Spain before we moved to…

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Home Decor from a Rubbish


This week we are moving to a new unfurnished apartment, and of course my mind started to wonder around decorating our new space. Especially here in the north home and its decoration is super important. You know what I am talking about – Scandinavian designs and homes. I even went to an annual Habitare fair which is a big decoration happening here in Helsinki. It didn’t help: there were all these beautiful and expensive furniture that I would happily take…

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Zero waste lifestyle on the road

zerowaste matkalla

Ok, the title is a bit ambivalent because traveling can never be totally zero waste. When you take a plane – you are far away from it, but in this article I wanted to write about how you can reduce waste what comes about eating when on the road. When you go to an airport, plane or railway station you probably buy a take away coffee and a sandwich, which is wrapped in plastic, right? Traveling is stressful and you…

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Sustainable Fashion

How to travel light?


A little escape in the city when the weather report promises sun and some rainy days, you have a wedding party to attend to and you want to travel with Zero Waste principles in mind – how does it work? Let’s find out! We went to visit Paris for five days. Beforehand we decided to travel only with hand luggage and that we try take as little as we can. We even left the pram home (not so good idea).…

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