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sustainable fashion

Sustainable Fashion

Part I: 10 tips how to create more sustainable wardrobe and change your shopping habits

wardrobe crisis

I decided to start a new serie that concentrate on sustainable fashion and how to build a more sustainable closet. In the first part, I share tips on how you can control your purchasing habits and how to take the first steps towards a more responsible lifestyle of dressing. 1. Go back to your own wardrobe! This is what I always do when I get excited about some new style that I have seen on magazine. I avoid buying new…

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Sustainable Fashion

This is how you beat the wardrobe crisis


For me the first signs of spring are the hints to start change the season in my wardrobe. This means I pack my autumn/winter clothes away and bring the spring ones in. This method I have done a couple of years now, and I found it really helpful in my ongoing wardrobe crisis. Also, this seasonal thinking is a responsible action for the planet, too. I will tell you why, and why you should try this too. When I started…

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Sustainable Fashion

6 reasons why you should buy reused garments

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1. It is more ecological to buy used clothes than new ones. This is not a new information for you, but often we forget this, when we need to find rapidly some piece of clothing. Then it is tempting to go to the nearest high street store. It is true, that buying clothes on secondhand markets demands more time and planning. There is no short cut on this, but when you find a piece of clothing that you are actually…

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Sustainable Fashion

Shopping diet is the new black!

pääkuva vaatepaasto

In the summertime I kind of accidentally started a shopping diet. It is easy during the summer, when you can wear light summer clothes and you don’t need to put on so many layers at the same time. Then again, when I have been traveling all the summer, I kind of stick to wear the same old maxi skirt and a t-shirt. Changing the outfit is too difficult for my summer spirit. But it is not only the summertime that…

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Sustainable Fashion

AALTO: Paradise lost

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Näyttökuva 2017 3 2 kello 16.43.59

Well, it is time for Paris fashion week again. On the opening day I went to see the Finnish brand AALTO International. AALTO presented their fifth collection Paradise Lost, which investigates long-term core ideals such as classicism, sustainability and pragmatism. The autumn/ winter collection is a mix of  fantasy and visions of the future and an ode to free-spirited travellers. The Paradise Lost collection is created with films such as Blade Runner and Gattaca in mind. The influence of these…

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Sustainable Fashion

The story of the green pants

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“You’re wearing green pants, they are very green”, my mum said, when she saw these pants. I found them at a recycling center in northern Finland, liked the color and decided that I needed some brightly colored pants in this dark period of time. Well the pants didn’t look like this at the beginning. I got in my DIY mood and shortened the length to be a more culottes-like style. Easy operation, good result, I would say. I mostly like…

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Sustainable Fashion

Slow fashion: Giving the old dress a new life

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Last autumn I found a bargain of an old dress from a Parisian vintage shop. The dress got hidden away in my closet. I liked the color, but let’s face it: the model was way too big for me. So I never wore the dress. As my point is to encourage you to use the contents of your wardrobe, damn right I’m going to be an example of it. So I took my scissors and cut the dress at the…

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Sustainable Fashion

You are what you wear

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”Olet sitä, mitä puet päällesi.” Näin totesi kestävään muotiin ja tekstiilijätteen minimoimiseen keskittyvän Redress-organisaation perustaja, Christina Dean. Satuin löytämään Youtubesta puheen, jonka Dean piti TEDxHKBU-tapahtumassa. Vaikutuin. Ajatus on radikaali, mutta samalla osuva. Pukeutuminen ei ole toissijainen juttu, vaan se määrittää meitä monella tavalla. Ei kai turhaan puhuta käsitteestä sosiaalinen iho. Sosiaalisen statuksen, muodikkuuden tai arvokkuuden lisäksi omilla vaatevalinnoillamme ja ostokäyttäytymisellämme kommentoimme tavalla tai toisella vaateteollisuuden tilaa. Pahimmassa tapauksessa olemme sekä fast fashion -kaupan uhreja että sen rahoittajia. En ole itsekään…

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Sustainable Fashion

What slow fashion?

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Of course you have heard talk about slow fashion. This is what we should be doing, right? But what is it all about? Last weekend I read a couple of interesting articles on slow fashion. Those articles inspired me to write this blog text about the phenomenon. Also, it kind of got me to do a little DIY project, too. In short, the term slow fashion means lengthening the life cycle of a clothing. In the production and design process…

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Sustainable Fashion

Towards sustainable clothing

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A couple of weeks ago I did an online exam for the course Textiles, consumption and sustainable development, which I participated in this autumn. One of the questions was to consider how we as textile consumers could live in a more sustainable way. From a theoretical point of view it was kind of easy to answer: stop buying more and more clothes, invest in quality clothes, shop in your own closet, take care of your textiles and wash them according…

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