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sustainable lifestyle Uncategorized

Sweet boredom

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Milan Kundera writes in his novel La Lenteur (1993) something that goes like this: When things happen too fast, nobody can be sure of anything, nothing really. Not even ourselves. Things like friends, family, community, connect us to this planet – and they require time so that they can flourish. During the holidays I realized: I don’t want a family that communicates with notes on a fridge, are in a hurry in the mornings and have a full schedule planned…

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A slow down list for the autumn

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Normally autumn means a new start for me. I always try something new and enroll in some exiting class. This fall I decided to do differently. I had to admit that right away I started to look at the new activities in Helsinki. Maybe a language or a painting class? Or maybe learning a completely new skill and challenge myself? Then I said to myself: slow down. I am going to fill my calendar and end up having hardly any…

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