New year brings us a reflection of new choices that we want to accomplish. Often we want to be thinner, happier or make a move in our career path. Maybe this year you could choose another theme, maybe this year could be the year that you start to make more sustainable choices in your everyday life. Your life will be more meaningful when you do good for the planet and others than just concentrate on making a better version of…
sustainable lifestyle
Milan Kundera writes in his novel La Lenteur (1993) something that goes like this: When things happen too fast, nobody can be sure of anything, nothing really. Not even ourselves. Things like friends, family, community, connect us to this planet – and they require time so that they can flourish. During the holidays I realized: I don’t want a family that communicates with notes on a fridge, are in a hurry in the mornings and have a full schedule planned…
This holiday season I have managed to avoid creating Christmas stress. I have breath in the slow mood and accept the fact that Christmas time goes as it does. I am not going to force it to be perfect, and I don’t want to poison my mind with stress. How to do this? Well, firstly I am not going to stress about buying Christmas presents. This year again we won’t buy presents for adults. We got a couple of books…