
Lets dream big!


One of my New Year’s Eve tradition is to make a dream map for the next year. I think it is a good way to start a new year when you do a little check in with yourself and write down your goals in life. Instead of making new year’s promises that you can’t keep, it is more optimistic to create a mind map and dream. Also, when you make the dream map every year, it is nice to look at them after years and see how the dreams and the goals changes. Four years ago I was dreaming about living in Paris, but now I couldn’t see myself and my family to live in a big city like Paris. Instead of I dream about my own garden and finishing my yoga teacher’s training.

I recommend this tradition to you, just cut down some pictures from the old magazines and glue them to a paper and write down what you are dreaming of. It is a fun tradition! Just try it!

So, what are you dreaming of?

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Good Vibes for the New Year

10 vinkkiä kaamosta vastaan eli näin pysyt energisenä läpi pimeän kauden

What’s up for 2017?


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