This year I made a couple of New Year’s resolutions. Usually I don’t make them, because I tend to forget them by Easter. Anyway, now I decided to make some moderate New Year’s resolutions that fits in my busy family life and makes my everyday life a tiny bit better.
First: I started to go a latin dance class. The last couple of years I have only do yoga and meditation practices, and I hardly went to running or a gym. I noticed that my body needs more active movements, too. I start to wonder, what kind of sport I would like to do, and the answer was clear: I wanted to dance.
Last fall I went to a mum-baby latin dance class, and really enjoyed going there. So I decided to continue my latin dance class as a solo, and it has been one of the best gifts to my body and soul that I could imagine to give in this present moment.
My second decision is about adding the conscious practice of positive thinking in my everyday life. I tend to stress a lot, and often in the morning I wake up feeling anxious knowing really why.Regular meditation practices have shaped my life attitude in a positive way, but I needed to start document my journeys. I don’t have time to write long episodes of my day in a diary, so what I did was this: I bought a calendar where I write down before bedtime at least three thinks of that day that made me happy or that I was content. This is how I end the day with good things.
I have to admit, that some days it is difficult to find positive things to write about. When the children and I get sick, I haven’t have a good night sleep, the organic rubbish bag breaks down in the elevator and the cat pees in the center of the bed, well, in those marvelous days it is difficult to look for the bright side, but I try anyway. In those days my notes are something like this: a good cup of coffee, a conversation with a friend and remark that I managed to survive through the day with humor. Then there are days when the position of the stars are favorable and it is easy to make a long list of the good things.
Anyway, it has been essential to realize that there are good things that happens to me every single day! And it is important to stop recognizing them – especially at this challenging stage in my life as a mother of two young children. Another insight is that with my own attitude towards the events of the day I can make a huge impact how I am responding to them.
Together with my meditation practice I have noticed, that I feel more positive about my life and the future. And it is nice to notice afterwards, as I browse through my notebook, that my life seems – well, not perfect, but not so bad either. For me that positivity calendar is one of my self-care method tools, which proofs me that good things happens around me every day and left me feeling grateful about the life I have been given and all the small details in it.
My third promise is about to start to save money. I’ve always been a really bad saver, and as a low-income entrepreneur after obligatory payments I don’t have much money to put aside. As an optimistic spirit I set myself a goal to have 3000 euros in my saving account by the end of the year. Currently, my saving account balance is 400 euros.
So, how am I going to save money?
Well, my plan is to pay attention our grocery shopping. When you go to supermarket often, you tend to buy more things that you actually need. Also, I am going to reduce purchases from flea markets. I have a bad habit to go every week to a couple of flea markets that are just ear by our home. The third plan is to sell old clothes.
It is too early to say if I keep my promises or not, but I feel ambitious, and I am dedicated to them. Of course there can be breaks, that is normal, the important part is to go back to the new routines and not to give up. And why would I give up, since the new habits are making me happy and my life a bit better?
I will keep posting on my new routines during the year, meanwhile I put my dance shoes on and see the life through pink lenses and start to be a saver lady.
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Nothing is permanent expect change
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