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Well hello, yellow April!


Little by little color yellow has entered into my life. From a flea market I bought two yellow cups to drink my evening tea. And then in a grocery shop I have a habit to grab a bouquet of yellow tulips to color up our home. This time of year it feels like yellow is giving more energy and makes everything seem lighter after the heavy winter season. Spring is a wake up call for many of us; it is a promise of new starts and new beginnings. Maybe we don’t know what is coming up yet, but surely the spring brings us some changes in life. Here is my April’s favorite list that includes new scents and relaxing moments on your yoga mat – maybe it helps you to prepare for the new season and new adventures that are waiting in a corner.

Scent: Smoke up a little piece of palo santo “holy wood” to clean up your space. They say that palo santo has a therapeutic healing power. For me, I have a habit to light up palo santo before entering on my yoga mat. It is a ritual and it makes me come into my space.

alttari palosanto

Organic cosmetics: Spring is a good period to change your perfume for more lighter and summer-like scent. For me, perfume was the last cosmetic that I changed for organic one. I used to love my Yves Saint Laurent fragrance, but now I am a fan of Abel’s perfumes. My favorite at the moment is Abel’s White Vetiver. It scents like grass, lemon and little bit like a vanilla cigar. For me it sends a message that summer is almost here.

abel parfums

Drink: In my yellow Kermansavi mug I drink Yogi tea’s Ginger lemon – it is my favorite at this moment.

What to wear: Light up your outfits by wearing light blue or white jeans – they change your look completely. Easy step, big deal!

Asana of the month: Urdha mukha svanasana ”upward-Facing dog pose”


After the pregnancy I am happy to do my sun salutation rounds completely including doing upward-facing dog pose. I have enjoyed to do a pause in this asana and to examine how it is done correctly. I remember in my teacher’s training, that a lot of students had problems with this asana. So I kindly remind you to pay attention to these points:


that the shoulders are not scrunch up towards the ears and making pressure to the neck.

that your toes are extended and the top of the feet is firmly down. When the feet are rooting down, the legs become more active.

That the tailbone is pressed toward the heels.

That you press firmly into your hands and the chest is lifted.

That the wrists are aligned directly beneath the shoulders. Check also that the index finger is pointed straight forward.

For my Finnish readers I have recorded a guided meditation practice, in future I try to make one in English too.

Have a beautiful month!

Read more:

On meditation

Looking for that lost balance


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