
Walking on my power path

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In Brittany I have been walking on the same hiking trail every evening. That gave me an idea that this is my power road.

You might have heard talk about power animals, and everyone seems to have their favorite quote of power sentence – I am not that into on those things, but walking and finding my own path, yes! At this moment my life is a bit chaotic. There is big moving ahead, and next week I need to finish packing all our stuff. Sometimes I feel myself like a gypsy and restless, because I don’t stay in a same address more than two years. Luckily we have this summer place in Brittany. There is one place that is always here and I feel safe, powerful, and in a way find my roots. Here I can find my walking path and the same beautiful landscape. Since I met my husband, I have been coming here every summer.

bretagne power path

And every summer I walk the same hiking path. And for me this walking is therapeutic. It is my power path that gives me strength and clears my head. In the first summer when I walked in this path, I was pregnant with my first child, in the baby year I was taking my me time by walking, in the third summer I was convinced by the idea that I would like to participate a yoga teacher training. This summer on my walks I have been combining all the previous things: I am thinking of my second pregnancy, take time alone and feel even stronger calling to teach yoga. (It should be logic after the training that I want to teach yoga, but I can sure you that teaching is not easy at the beginning.)


When we arrived to Brittany, I was feeling sad and restless. After spending a couple of days in Brittany, I already felt much stronger and balanced. Day after day, walking by the same path, I feel like I have walk away all the sorrow, and find my self-confidence and positive believe in the future. It feels almost like I am returning from a mini pilgrimage.

Have you find your power path?

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